Sales people are as diverse as the rest of the population. There is no one personality type that guarantees an individual will be a successful sales person. Though it is rare to see someone move in to B2B sales after several years in the actuarial profession.
In a busy, demanding, commercial B2B environment all sales/business development people have one core objective i.e. to generate profitable business for their employer (or themselves if self-employed like me). This means at some point asking for an order. There are many ways to do this and all professional sales people need to have several options available when face to face with a fellow professional (e.g. a buyer, a Director or a business owner)
I can and do recommend tried and trusted methods that work really well but one that is often overlooked is……….silence. The effective use of silence. You have reached the end of your presentation or discussion. Before saying anything else, please, do your customer the courtesy of shutting up!
Give the customer a chance to consider what you have said. If what you said makes sense then giving her or him a little thinking time can only work for you. Why? Well some customers might want to make the decision to go ahead right there and then. Without being asked. Give them the chance to do so. It’s not easy to sit there and count off (say) 20 seconds in your head but do it. Practice doing it. It does work…but not every time so you will then have to move to the next stage. Which is where I may be able to help you. Please get in touch if you would like to know more about the workshops/speeches and other services I provide.
There is no better way to close a B2B sale
There is no better way to close a B2B sale